Click here to import vendor information. Click here to delete the selected entry. Click here to edit the selected entry. Click here to create a new entry. Click here to select a default freight tax code from the list of all the tax codes. Enter a default freight tax code. Click here to select a default shipping method from the list. Enter a default shipping method. Click here to select a default purchase comment from the list. Enter a default purchase comment. Click here to select an expense account from the list of all your accounts. Enter a default expense account. Click here to select a currency code from the list of all the currency codes. Type part of a currency code and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here for help information. Click here for Tax code information. Click here to select a tax code from the list of all the tax codes. Type part of the tax code and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a late charges account from a list of all your accounts. Type part of a late charges account number, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a discounts account from a list of all your accounts. Type part of a discounts account number, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a vendor deposit account from a list of all your accounts. Type part of a vendor deposit account number, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a freight account from a list of all your accounts. Type part of a freight account number, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select an account for paying bills from a list of all your accounts. Type part of an account number for paying bills, and AccountEdge will find the closest match. Click here to select a tracking payables account from a list of all your accounts. Type part of a tracking payables account number, and AccountEdge will find the closest match.